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Also find our Meetup page here
Buddhism is not about blind belief; rather it is about understanding cause and effect to realize to the true nature of our universe. Buddhism encompasses four key elements: faith, understanding, practice, and realization. Faith belongs to the realm of religion, understanding is philosophical, practice is belief put into action, and realization is enlightenment. Without faith, we cannot understand; without understanding, we cannot practice; and without practice, we cannot realize enlightenment. Together, these four concepts create the doorway we enter to attain wisdom.

Beginner's Zen Meditation and Fundamentals of Buddhism Course
Several different levels of classes each week separately in English and in Chinese
Next semester starts APRIL 15, 2025 at 7pm
Children's and Family Meditation on Sundays at 10am
Dharma Jewel Monastery is a Chan (Zen) meditation center and the Atlanta branch of Chung Tai Chan Monastery in Taiwan. Chan Buddhism teaches people to attain inner peace through meditation and uncover the inherent wisdom within. This Beginner's course covers calming meditation and concepts such as karma and the Four Noble Truths. It is a prerequisite for the Intermediate/Advanced and Sutra Study courses at Dharma Jewel Monastery. Offered free of charge and separately in English and in Chinese. There is also a Children's meditation class.
Dharma Jewel Monastery: Atlanta Zen Buddhism Center
2550 Henderson Mill Rd NE, Atlanta GA 30345
Several different levels of classes each week separately in English and in Chinese
Next semester starts APRIL 15, 2025 at 7pm
Children's and Family Meditation on Sundays at 10am
Dharma Jewel Monastery is a Chan (Zen) meditation center and the Atlanta branch of Chung Tai Chan Monastery in Taiwan. Chan Buddhism teaches people to attain inner peace through meditation and uncover the inherent wisdom within. This Beginner's course covers calming meditation and concepts such as karma and the Four Noble Truths. It is a prerequisite for the Intermediate/Advanced and Sutra Study courses at Dharma Jewel Monastery. Offered free of charge and separately in English and in Chinese. There is also a Children's meditation class.
Dharma Jewel Monastery: Atlanta Zen Buddhism Center
2550 Henderson Mill Rd NE, Atlanta GA 30345

The Foundations Series at Drepung Loseling
Drepung Loseling Monastery offers this course consisting of five Saturdays (once a month on the second Saturday) to provide an overview of Buddhism and prepare for the Intermediate Series, the Lamrim Series, and Vajrasattva practice. Drepung Loseling is the Center for Tibetan Buddhist Studies, Practice, and Culture in Atlanta and is endorsed by His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
- Introduction to Buddhism
- Shamatha Meditation: Alleviating Stress and Cultivating Inner Balance
- Vipashyana Meditation: Cultivating Personal Insight into Our Inner World of Thoughts, Reactions, and Emotions
- The Four Immeasurables: Loving kindness, Compassion, Joy, and Equanimity
- Refuge: Entering the Path of Inner Transformation
Note: There is a tuition fee for this series. Please call 404-982-0051 to register.
Drepung Loseling Monastery
1781 Dresden Drive Atlanta, Georgia 30319
Drepung Loseling Monastery offers this course consisting of five Saturdays (once a month on the second Saturday) to provide an overview of Buddhism and prepare for the Intermediate Series, the Lamrim Series, and Vajrasattva practice. Drepung Loseling is the Center for Tibetan Buddhist Studies, Practice, and Culture in Atlanta and is endorsed by His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
- Introduction to Buddhism
- Shamatha Meditation: Alleviating Stress and Cultivating Inner Balance
- Vipashyana Meditation: Cultivating Personal Insight into Our Inner World of Thoughts, Reactions, and Emotions
- The Four Immeasurables: Loving kindness, Compassion, Joy, and Equanimity
- Refuge: Entering the Path of Inner Transformation
Note: There is a tuition fee for this series. Please call 404-982-0051 to register.
Drepung Loseling Monastery
1781 Dresden Drive Atlanta, Georgia 30319
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Zen (Chan) focuses on our mind... Chan starts with gaining thorough knowledge of one's own self. Through letting go of all attachments and giving rise to wisdom, our mind can regain its luminosity. We call this knowledge of the notion of self "enlightenment" or "seeing one's self-nature." This is the beginning of helping yourself to thoroughly solve real problems. In the end, you will discover that you as an individual, together with the whole of existence, are but one indivisible totality.

Zen Meditation on Saturday Mornings at Buddhanara Temple
Saturdays: sitting and walking meditation 9 - 10:30am followed by tea
Korean Zen Temple in Gwinnett County near Mall of Georgia
In Person only
Buddhanara Temple,
2197 Gravel Springs Rd, Buford GA 30519
Saturdays: sitting and walking meditation 9 - 10:30am followed by tea
Korean Zen Temple in Gwinnett County near Mall of Georgia
In Person only
Buddhanara Temple,
2197 Gravel Springs Rd, Buford GA 30519
Zen Meditation on Saturday Afternoons at Jun Dung Sa Temple
"School of Life series" - register with temple directly
Entrance on the left side (past the main doors) . Newcomers suggested arrive a few minutes early for brief instructions. We start with a short Heart Sutra chanting and stretching exercise / prostration , then 30 minutes quiet sitting meditation, followed by small group discussion on Zen topics. All welcome any week.
Jun Dung Sa Temple
900 Beaver Ruin Rd, Lilburn GA 30047
"School of Life series" - register with temple directly
Entrance on the left side (past the main doors) . Newcomers suggested arrive a few minutes early for brief instructions. We start with a short Heart Sutra chanting and stretching exercise / prostration , then 30 minutes quiet sitting meditation, followed by small group discussion on Zen topics. All welcome any week.
Jun Dung Sa Temple
900 Beaver Ruin Rd, Lilburn GA 30047

Zen Meditation at Dharma Jewel Monastery
- Monthly Zen meditation retreats (open to students of Dharma Jewel's meditation classes only)
- Monthly chanting ceremonies (bilingual Chinese/English, all are welcome)
- Weekly bilingual chanting and monthly bilingual ceremonies / Sunday services
- Nine different weekly Zen meditation classes, including for Children and Families
- Vegetarian Cooking Classes | Veggie Festival
Dharma Jewel Monastery is a Chan (Zen) meditation center and the Atlanta branch of Chung Tai Chan Monastery in Taiwan. Chan Buddhism teaches people to attain inner peace through meditation and uncover the inherent wisdom within. Newcomers can start with the 20-week Beginner's Meditation and Buddhism course. All activities are offered free of charge.
Dharma Jewel Monastery: Atlanta Zen Buddhism Center
2550 Henderson Mill Rd NE, Atlanta GA 30345
- Monthly Zen meditation retreats (open to students of Dharma Jewel's meditation classes only)
- Monthly chanting ceremonies (bilingual Chinese/English, all are welcome)
- Weekly bilingual chanting and monthly bilingual ceremonies / Sunday services
- Nine different weekly Zen meditation classes, including for Children and Families
- Vegetarian Cooking Classes | Veggie Festival
Dharma Jewel Monastery is a Chan (Zen) meditation center and the Atlanta branch of Chung Tai Chan Monastery in Taiwan. Chan Buddhism teaches people to attain inner peace through meditation and uncover the inherent wisdom within. Newcomers can start with the 20-week Beginner's Meditation and Buddhism course. All activities are offered free of charge.
Dharma Jewel Monastery: Atlanta Zen Buddhism Center
2550 Henderson Mill Rd NE, Atlanta GA 30345

Chan (Zen) Meditation at Dharma Drum Mountain Buddhist Association Atlanta
Sundays at 10am to 12pm (guided meditation)
Meditation is small group or led by visiting monastics from Chan Meditation Center in New York and Dharma Drum associations worldwide.
Offered at no charge.
DDMBA Atlanta Chan Meditation Center:
Sundays at 10am to 12pm (guided meditation)
Meditation is small group or led by visiting monastics from Chan Meditation Center in New York and Dharma Drum associations worldwide.
Offered at no charge.
DDMBA Atlanta Chan Meditation Center:

Zen Meditation (Seon) in Korean:
참선 - 한국불교 Korean Buddhism Atlanta
Jun Dung Sa Temple 전등사
900 Beaver Ruin Rd, Lilburn GA 30047
Buddhanara Temple 붓다나라 템플
2197 Gravel Springs Rd, Buford GA 30519
Dong Wha Sa Temple 애틀랜타 동화사
3282 Cruze Rd, Lawrenceville GA 30044
1011-A Horseshoe Rd, Augusta GA 30906
정기법회: 매주 일요일 오전 11시
Duluth Suwanee area
한국어 정기 법회 및 청년부 법회 (영어) - 일요일 오전 11시; 점심 공양 후 기타 활동 ; 성인부: 합창단 활동; 어린이: 한글학교, 사물놀이 강습, 등
JunDungSa and others are Atlanta Buddhist temples in the Jogye/Chogye order of Korean Zen Buddhism.
Zen Meditation (Seon) in Korean:
참선 - 한국불교 Korean Buddhism Atlanta
Jun Dung Sa Temple 전등사
900 Beaver Ruin Rd, Lilburn GA 30047
Buddhanara Temple 붓다나라 템플
2197 Gravel Springs Rd, Buford GA 30519
Dong Wha Sa Temple 애틀랜타 동화사
3282 Cruze Rd, Lawrenceville GA 30044
1011-A Horseshoe Rd, Augusta GA 30906
정기법회: 매주 일요일 오전 11시
Duluth Suwanee area
한국어 정기 법회 및 청년부 법회 (영어) - 일요일 오전 11시; 점심 공양 후 기타 활동 ; 성인부: 합창단 활동; 어린이: 한글학교, 사물놀이 강습, 등
JunDungSa and others are Atlanta Buddhist temples in the Jogye/Chogye order of Korean Zen Buddhism.
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The Pure Land School focuses on mindful recitation -- that is, chanting practice.
Practice and study are complementary. We practice to calm the mind so our innate wisdom will arise. We study to understand the principles, and to better understand why we practice.
While we may think of practice as simply chanting a Buddha's name or a sutra, it actually has a much broader meaning: We are trying to reflect the Buddha's teaching in everything we do, both in our Buddhist cultivation and in our daily lives. Not allowing wandering or discriminatory thoughts to arise in our chanting and daily activities is concentration, and concentration is crucial if we wish to help ourselves and others eliminate suffering and attain happiness.
In our everyday activities, we endeavor to live a moral life in which we do not kill, steal, or engage in sexual misconduct. We strive to not lie or use speech that is harsh, divisive, or enticing. And we work to eliminate our greed, anger, and ignorance.
In other words, we endeavor to practice the Ten Virtuous Karmas. Practice of these calms the mind because the more closely our conduct follows the Ten Virtuous Karmas, the fewer our worries, and the fewer afflictions we will have as a result.
As Pure Land Buddhists, we chant the Amitabha Sutra, in both English and Chinese, and chant "Amituofo." These two are the heart of our formal practice.
How do we chant?
We concentrate solely on the sound of the sutra or of "Amituofo." As we concentrate on “Amituofo,” all incorrect thoughts are replaced by thoughts of a Buddha—a being who has awakened his perfect compassion and perfect wisdom. Even if we are completely focused for only a moment, in that brief moment we are one with perfection and goodness, one with the Buddha's teaching.
We obtain the same benefit from chanting the sutra. Our wandering thoughts are replaced by pure thoughts and seeds for awakening are planted, not those for further suffering in the cycle of rebirth.
Learn More about the deep history and traditions and philosophy of the Pure Land school at
Atlanta Pure Land Association Mietoville Academy (Amitabha Buddhist Society) -- Chanting Every Sunday
In Atlanta, join us every Sunday for mindful recitation, 9am - 12pm.
Most Sundays is chanting "Amituofo" (a Buddha's name) over and over, a great mindfulness practice. Some Sundays will also include a sutra. In Chinese, with Vietnamese and English translation books available.
Please wear socks and take off your shoes prior to entering the main hall. Note: You can borrow a "uniform" (black robe) to wear if you'd like to participate fully in the chanting, and are welcome to bow (prostrate) and follow along in the walking meditation, or just sit in the back.
2800 Simpson Circle, Norcross GA 30071
Practice and study are complementary. We practice to calm the mind so our innate wisdom will arise. We study to understand the principles, and to better understand why we practice.
While we may think of practice as simply chanting a Buddha's name or a sutra, it actually has a much broader meaning: We are trying to reflect the Buddha's teaching in everything we do, both in our Buddhist cultivation and in our daily lives. Not allowing wandering or discriminatory thoughts to arise in our chanting and daily activities is concentration, and concentration is crucial if we wish to help ourselves and others eliminate suffering and attain happiness.
In our everyday activities, we endeavor to live a moral life in which we do not kill, steal, or engage in sexual misconduct. We strive to not lie or use speech that is harsh, divisive, or enticing. And we work to eliminate our greed, anger, and ignorance.
In other words, we endeavor to practice the Ten Virtuous Karmas. Practice of these calms the mind because the more closely our conduct follows the Ten Virtuous Karmas, the fewer our worries, and the fewer afflictions we will have as a result.
As Pure Land Buddhists, we chant the Amitabha Sutra, in both English and Chinese, and chant "Amituofo." These two are the heart of our formal practice.
How do we chant?
We concentrate solely on the sound of the sutra or of "Amituofo." As we concentrate on “Amituofo,” all incorrect thoughts are replaced by thoughts of a Buddha—a being who has awakened his perfect compassion and perfect wisdom. Even if we are completely focused for only a moment, in that brief moment we are one with perfection and goodness, one with the Buddha's teaching.
We obtain the same benefit from chanting the sutra. Our wandering thoughts are replaced by pure thoughts and seeds for awakening are planted, not those for further suffering in the cycle of rebirth.
Learn More about the deep history and traditions and philosophy of the Pure Land school at
Atlanta Pure Land Association Mietoville Academy (Amitabha Buddhist Society) -- Chanting Every Sunday
In Atlanta, join us every Sunday for mindful recitation, 9am - 12pm.
Most Sundays is chanting "Amituofo" (a Buddha's name) over and over, a great mindfulness practice. Some Sundays will also include a sutra. In Chinese, with Vietnamese and English translation books available.
Please wear socks and take off your shoes prior to entering the main hall. Note: You can borrow a "uniform" (black robe) to wear if you'd like to participate fully in the chanting, and are welcome to bow (prostrate) and follow along in the walking meditation, or just sit in the back.
2800 Simpson Circle, Norcross GA 30071
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Through the systematic practice of Tibetan Buddhism's timeless methods, one's mind can be transformed into its highest potential of wisdom and compassion. Each individual is ultimately responsible for his own present and future happiness or despair.

Drepung Loseling Monastery, Inc.:
Center for Tibetan Buddhist Studies
Weekly Events free and open to the public:
· Medicine Buddha Practice, first Tuesday of the month at 6pm (meditation, prayer, chants -- all welcome) In Person and Online
· Public Buddhist Teaching, Tuesdays at 7pm (Dharma lecture -- all welcome) In Person and Online
· Beginner's Meditation, Sundays at 11am (great introduction -- all welcome. Chai tea social follows on the first Sunday of the month.)
Pujas and Prayers on Wednesdays and Thursdays!
Drepung Loseling Monastery: Atlanta's Tibetan Buddhism Center patronized by His Holiness the Dalai Lama and academically affiliated with Emory University
1781 Dresden Dr., Atlanta GA 30319
Note: a small meditation group meets every other week (usually Saturdays) in Athens, Georgia (close to University of Georgia / UGA) - contact Drepung Loseling or us at for latest schedule for the Athens mindfulness/meditation group!
Center for Tibetan Buddhist Studies
Weekly Events free and open to the public:
· Medicine Buddha Practice, first Tuesday of the month at 6pm (meditation, prayer, chants -- all welcome) In Person and Online
· Public Buddhist Teaching, Tuesdays at 7pm (Dharma lecture -- all welcome) In Person and Online
· Beginner's Meditation, Sundays at 11am (great introduction -- all welcome. Chai tea social follows on the first Sunday of the month.)
Pujas and Prayers on Wednesdays and Thursdays!
Drepung Loseling Monastery: Atlanta's Tibetan Buddhism Center patronized by His Holiness the Dalai Lama and academically affiliated with Emory University
1781 Dresden Dr., Atlanta GA 30319
Note: a small meditation group meets every other week (usually Saturdays) in Athens, Georgia (close to University of Georgia / UGA) - contact Drepung Loseling or us at for latest schedule for the Athens mindfulness/meditation group!
Tibetan Buddhist schools include the four major lineages, Gelug, Sakya, Kagyu and Nyingma. Gelug includes the Kadam (Kadampa) tradition, which should not be confused with the controversial new sect New Kadampa Tradition, not recognized by mainstream Tibetans as an authentic Buddhist tradition.
Learn more about Tibetan Buddhism:
Learn more about Tibetan Buddhism:
More Tibetan Buddhist Centers around the South:
Atlanta / Georgia; Drepung Loseling Monastery
Nashville & Middle Tennessee: Padmasambhava Buddhist Center of Tennessee
(and its retreat center Padma Gochen Ling in Monterey, Central TN)
Knoxville & East Tennesee: Losel Shedrup Ling
Chattanooga TN: Paramita Center Southeast (NEW!)
Birmingham Alabama: Losel Maitri Tibetan Buddhist Center
Columbia South Carolina: South Carolina Dharma Group
Charleston SC: Charleston Tibetan Society
Raleigh Durham North Carolina: Kadampa Center for the Practice of Tibetan Buddhism in the Gelugpa Tradition
Chapel Hill NC: Piedmont KTC
Atlanta / Georgia; Drepung Loseling Monastery
Nashville & Middle Tennessee: Padmasambhava Buddhist Center of Tennessee
(and its retreat center Padma Gochen Ling in Monterey, Central TN)
Knoxville & East Tennesee: Losel Shedrup Ling
Chattanooga TN: Paramita Center Southeast (NEW!)
Birmingham Alabama: Losel Maitri Tibetan Buddhist Center
Columbia South Carolina: South Carolina Dharma Group
Charleston SC: Charleston Tibetan Society
Raleigh Durham North Carolina: Kadampa Center for the Practice of Tibetan Buddhism in the Gelugpa Tradition
Chapel Hill NC: Piedmont KTC
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Theravada means "Teachings of the Elders" and Theravadan temples uphold traditions dating back to the Buddha.

Guided Meditation on Sunday mornings at Georgia Buddhist Vihara
- Vipassana Meditation and Dhamma Discussion, * on hiatus
(Zoom link on this page)
- One Day Meditation Retreats several times a year
Georgia Buddhist Vihara: Theravada Buddhist Temple and Vipassana Meditation Center
3153 Miller Road, Lithonia, GA 30038
- Vipassana Meditation and Dhamma Discussion, * on hiatus
(Zoom link on this page)
- One Day Meditation Retreats several times a year
Georgia Buddhist Vihara: Theravada Buddhist Temple and Vipassana Meditation Center
3153 Miller Road, Lithonia, GA 30038

Wednesday Meditations at Georgia Meditation Circle
- Every Wednesday night 7pm - 8:30pm
The Georgia Meditation Center is a branch of the Dhammakaya Foundation with the goal of promoting inner peace through meditation. Our vision “World Peace, Through Inner Peace” begins with You!
4522 Tilly Mill Rd, Atlanta GA 30075
- Every Wednesday night 7pm - 8:30pm
The Georgia Meditation Center is a branch of the Dhammakaya Foundation with the goal of promoting inner peace through meditation. Our vision “World Peace, Through Inner Peace” begins with You!
4522 Tilly Mill Rd, Atlanta GA 30075

There are 20 other Theravada Buddhist temples in Georgia, but these centers do not hold regular events in English. However, many welcome you to check them out! These include temples with services in Pali and Thai, Khmer, Sinhalese, Burmese, Lao, Karen, Cham, Hmong, and Shan, representing countries such as Myanmar / Burma, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and Sri Lanka, all around Atlanta, Decatur, Clarkston, Norcross, McDonough, Riverdale, College Park, East Point, Stone Mountain, Lake City, Griffin, August, Snellville, Gainesville, Alto, and more! Wat Buddha Bucha (Decatur), Wat Khmer Georgia (Lithonia), Ratana Viman Yeiktha Monastery, Wat Tammarangsey, Cambodian Atlanta Buddhist Temple, Wat Trairatanaram, Sovannkiri Buddhist Temple, Wat Lao Buddhamoongcoon, Wat Lao Buddha Khanti, Wat Lao Buddha Phothisaram, Wat Lao Buddha Sattha Dhamma, Wat Lao Buddharam Khambouneheuan, Wat Lao Buddhamanodham, Wat Santidham, Wat Hathainares, and Wat Phramahajanaka.
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Buddhism is open to everyone. Buddhism is a set of methods that helps us to develop our full human potential by understanding the true nature of reality. Mindfulness is the foundation for these methods.
Mindfulness Meditation - TBD at Vien Ngo Loganville
Light Vegetarian Dinner and Mindfulness Practice in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh, with Vietnamese Zen monastics
Vien Ngo Zen Center,
Currently meets at private residence: 3254 Rosebud Rd SW. Loganville GA 30052
Light Vegetarian Dinner and Mindfulness Practice in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh, with Vietnamese Zen monastics
Vien Ngo Zen Center,
Currently meets at private residence: 3254 Rosebud Rd SW. Loganville GA 30052

Vipassana & Mindfulness Meditation Retreats on select Saturdays at Kim Cang Monastery
All are welcome to our one-day meditation retreats - vegetarian lunch provided. (For those who cannot stay the whole day, partial attendance is allowed.)
Practice following the Vipassana meditation method of Burmese master Mahasi Sayadaw
Next retreat -See Upcoming Events page for more details
Mindfulness Meditation Society at Kim Cang Monastery,
4771 Browns Mill Road, Lithonia, GA 30038
All are welcome to our one-day meditation retreats - vegetarian lunch provided. (For those who cannot stay the whole day, partial attendance is allowed.)
Practice following the Vipassana meditation method of Burmese master Mahasi Sayadaw
Next retreat -See Upcoming Events page for more details
Mindfulness Meditation Society at Kim Cang Monastery,
4771 Browns Mill Road, Lithonia, GA 30038

Guided Meditation on Thursdays at Emory University
For University Affiliates: While school is in session, Emory Buddhist Club meets every Thursday at 6pm in Cannon Chapel (main sanctuary on top floor, or basement room 106) on the university campus for guided meditation, talk, and tea. Teachers rotate but in general are monastics from the community.
Free parking after 5pm at Peavine Lot, 27 Eagle Row, Atlanta GA 30306.
For University Affiliates: While school is in session, Emory Buddhist Club meets every Thursday at 6pm in Cannon Chapel (main sanctuary on top floor, or basement room 106) on the university campus for guided meditation, talk, and tea. Teachers rotate but in general are monastics from the community.
Free parking after 5pm at Peavine Lot, 27 Eagle Row, Atlanta GA 30306.
Most of the centers we list here are in the Mahayana ("Great Vehicle") tradition, and there are about 30 other Mahayana Buddhist temples not listed here as they do not have regular events in English. These temples offer services in Chinese, Taiwanese, Cantonese, Mandarin, Korean, Vietnamese, and Japanese, with many community members tracing their ancestry to countries/regions in Asia such as China, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Bhutan, Nepal, India, and Tibet. Schools represented include Vinaya, Doctrine, Sutra, Pure Land, Chan / Zen / Seon, Vajrayana, Esoteric, Tantric, and more. Chua Chùa Tu Vien Thien Vien Tu Viện Thiền Viện Quan Thế Âm Guan Yin are located in Duluth, Gwinnett, Suwanee, Alpharetta, Roswell, Johns Creek, Buckhead, Midtown, Atlanta, Marietta, Lawrenceville, Gainesville, Lilburn, Morrow, and more. There are also Rinzai and Soto Zen Centers in Atlanta. Please email us if you would like more information.
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Not all Buddhist groups, especially in the United States, are led by monastics (ordained monks or nuns). Many are led by lay people (householders) who may have some interest in having a meditation group to practice with!

Meditation in Sandy Springs - Wednesday Nights with Sandy Springs Insight Meditation Group (Ended)
A community of people practicing and learning mindfulness meditation in the Vipassana tradition. Peer-led lay group. Meets every Wednesday at 7pm, as well as monthly book clubs, study groups, and half day retreats on Sundays, at Northwest UU Church
* Note: In 2023, this group disbanded after nearly 14 years of sitting.
A community of people practicing and learning mindfulness meditation in the Vipassana tradition. Peer-led lay group. Meets every Wednesday at 7pm, as well as monthly book clubs, study groups, and half day retreats on Sundays, at Northwest UU Church
* Note: In 2023, this group disbanded after nearly 14 years of sitting.
Meditation in Roswell - Monday Nights with Roswell Insight Meditation Community
We are a diverse group of lay practitioners dedicated to cultivating greater understanding, compassion, and wisdom, through the teachings of the Buddha. These teachings, or Dharma, provide a path of practice, leading directly to the reduction of our personal and collective suffering. We practice in the tradition of Insight Meditation, or Vipassana, which teaches methods for opening the heart and mind, and seeing more clearly into the true nature of our interconnected existence. We are an open community, and welcome practitioners from diverse spiritual and secular traditions.
Mondays at 7pm: Sitting and Discussion
Formerly at Heron House, 102 Russell Rd, Roswell, GA 30075 and at Universal Unitarian Metro Atlanta North Church - UUMAN, 11420 Crabapple Rd, Roswell GA; currently on Zoom only
We are a diverse group of lay practitioners dedicated to cultivating greater understanding, compassion, and wisdom, through the teachings of the Buddha. These teachings, or Dharma, provide a path of practice, leading directly to the reduction of our personal and collective suffering. We practice in the tradition of Insight Meditation, or Vipassana, which teaches methods for opening the heart and mind, and seeing more clearly into the true nature of our interconnected existence. We are an open community, and welcome practitioners from diverse spiritual and secular traditions.
Mondays at 7pm: Sitting and Discussion
Formerly at Heron House, 102 Russell Rd, Roswell, GA 30075 and at Universal Unitarian Metro Atlanta North Church - UUMAN, 11420 Crabapple Rd, Roswell GA; currently on Zoom only
Shambhala Meditation Center of Atlanta
(404) 370-9650
1447 Church St., Decatur, GA 30030
Making Enlightened Society Possible
Open House with Initial Instruction on Sundays at 10am
Once a month in Midtown at Evolation Yoga
(404) 370-9650
1447 Church St., Decatur, GA 30030
Making Enlightened Society Possible
Open House with Initial Instruction on Sundays at 10am
Once a month in Midtown at Evolation Yoga
Grant Park Meditation and Contemplative Art Center
Lay teachers who are providing a nondenominational space to practice meditation, centering prayer, by the Zoo / south side of Atlanta.
Formerly at 1030 Grant St. #3, Atlanta, GA 30315 (Cafe of Light building)
Now Common Ground Meditation (closed)
352 University Ave., SW Atlanta, GA 30310
Lay teachers who are providing a nondenominational space to practice meditation, centering prayer, by the Zoo / south side of Atlanta.
Formerly at 1030 Grant St. #3, Atlanta, GA 30315 (Cafe of Light building)
Now Common Ground Meditation (closed)
352 University Ave., SW Atlanta, GA 30310
A monthly group for people of all backgrounds and ages, focused on key aging resources, caring for the elderly, and Buddhist perspectives on facing old age, illness, and death.
Every 3rd Sunday at 10:30am in the library room at Drepung Loseling Monastery
A monthly group for people of all backgrounds and ages, focused on key aging resources, caring for the elderly, and Buddhist perspectives on facing old age, illness, and death.
Every 3rd Sunday at 10:30am in the library room at Drepung Loseling Monastery
Atlanta Insight Meditation Community
Formerly at UUCA Druid Chase / North Druid Hills
Now meets Tuesdays at Quaker House Decatur or online
All welcome to make spiritual friends!
Formerly at UUCA Druid Chase / North Druid Hills
Now meets Tuesdays at Quaker House Decatur or online
All welcome to make spiritual friends!
Breathing Heart Sangha
A mindfulness practice group in Thich Nhat Hanh's tradition of Engaged Buddhism.
Meets weekly alternating Saturdays and Sundays from 3-5pm
1748 Old Hickory St. Decatur, GA 30032
Phone: (404) 680-2420
A mindfulness practice group in Thich Nhat Hanh's tradition of Engaged Buddhism.
Meets weekly alternating Saturdays and Sundays from 3-5pm
1748 Old Hickory St. Decatur, GA 30032
Phone: (404) 680-2420
Atlanta Soto Zen Center
1167C Zonolite Place, Atlanta GA 30306
Part of the Silent Thunder Order group of lay-led Zen meditation centers, ASZC hosts beginner's meditation on Wednesday nights at 7:30pm.
1167C Zonolite Place, Atlanta GA 30306
Part of the Silent Thunder Order group of lay-led Zen meditation centers, ASZC hosts beginner's meditation on Wednesday nights at 7:30pm.
Red Clay Sangha
Old: 3420 W Hospital Ave, Suite 102, Chamblee GA
New: 3315 Chamblee Dunwoody Rd, Chamblee, GA 30341
Red Clay Sangha is a community of non-sectarian Buddhists who find meaning, support and presence in the celebration of coming together to share our practice, study, successes and difficulties in living as twenty-first century lay American Buddhists.
Meets Sunday mornings for three 25 minute sitting periods followed by a discussion
Old: 3420 W Hospital Ave, Suite 102, Chamblee GA
New: 3315 Chamblee Dunwoody Rd, Chamblee, GA 30341
Red Clay Sangha is a community of non-sectarian Buddhists who find meaning, support and presence in the celebration of coming together to share our practice, study, successes and difficulties in living as twenty-first century lay American Buddhists.
Meets Sunday mornings for three 25 minute sitting periods followed by a discussion
Cognitively Based Compassion Training (CBCT)
A secular course at Emory University suitable for those of any (or no) religious background
Note: Tuition applies for non-Emory affiliates
Courses are sequential and start each semester
A secular course at Emory University suitable for those of any (or no) religious background
Note: Tuition applies for non-Emory affiliates
Courses are sequential and start each semester

Augusta Georgia -- Southeastern Buddhist Community
Mindfulness Practice Group in Augusta GA and near South Carolina
Wat Santidham Thai Temple, Lotus Vietnamese Buddhist temples, and more in Augusta!
Visit their website or facebook for updates!
Mindfulness Practice Group in Augusta GA and near South Carolina
Wat Santidham Thai Temple, Lotus Vietnamese Buddhist temples, and more in Augusta!
Visit their website or facebook for updates!
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Zen Centers |
Pure Land |
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Theravada |
Mindfulness |
Lay groups |
Children's |
Children are naturally excellent at practicing Buddhism, which is simply,
"Do good deeds, speak good words, and think good thoughts."

Children's Meditation Class
Offered at no charge. Appropriate for ages 5 - 12.
Dharma Jewel Monastery: Atlanta Zen Buddhism Center
2550 Henderson Mill Rd NE, Atlanta GA 30345
Offered at no charge. Appropriate for ages 5 - 12.
Dharma Jewel Monastery: Atlanta Zen Buddhism Center
2550 Henderson Mill Rd NE, Atlanta GA 30345

Georgia Buddhist Summer Camp
Come for a family-friendly fun time in the woods and make friends and enjoy Dharma in nature
Our 12th year is April 10 - 13, 2025!
Hard Labor Creek State Park, Rutledge GA
Come for a family-friendly fun time in the woods and make friends and enjoy Dharma in nature
Our 12th year is April 10 - 13, 2025!
Hard Labor Creek State Park, Rutledge GA
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Pure Land |
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Theravada |
Mindfulness |
Lay groups |
Children's |

Online Sutra Study Classes
Live streaming from Berkeley Buddhist Monastery, from Dharma Realm Buddhist University, or other locations. Also on Youtube: DharmaRealmLive
Live streaming from Berkeley Buddhist Monastery, from Dharma Realm Buddhist University, or other locations. Also on Youtube: DharmaRealmLive
Other online courses include:
Tibetan Buddhism -- ; ; and (His Holiness the Karmapa)
Insight / Vipassana Meditation -- ;
Live radio --
Tibetan Buddhism -- ; ; and (His Holiness the Karmapa)
Insight / Vipassana Meditation -- ;
Live radio --
Still not sure where to start? Try out several groups...
How to find a teacher and practice community: Look into the various Buddhist teachings and practices so that you can find the approach that is right for you. Note that the “right” practice may not be the one you find easiest. Rather, the "right" practice addresses your suffering on a deeper level given your personality, affinities, and conditions. For example, meditation promotes concentration and mindfulness; bowing develops humility and counteracts pride; and so on. Commit yourself to a few practices that truly benefit you and stick with them.
Having a good teacher is like having a good doctor; they can see your afflictions and address them through instruction and guidance. However, when looking for a teacher, make sure at the very least, they abide by the five precepts and are not out for fame or profit or other ulterior motives. Having a strong authentic lineage helps. In Buddhism, we often look to the monastic Sangha as they have dedicated their lives to the Buddhist practice and have clear guidelines on how to interact with students. In addition, joining a community of fellow practitioners provides support, motivation, and advice. Being surrounded by good people naturally brings out your own wholesome qualities. (Adapted from Dharma Realm Buddhist Association)
Note: There are other meditation groups and teachers which may claim to practice the Buddhist path, but on deeper examination, whose intentions and actions may not be altruistic, or may even be negative or "cult"-like, or even seek to harm you or others! When searching for a new group/teacher, be sure to use wisdom -- in general, the places listed here come from reputable backgrounds.
Having a good teacher is like having a good doctor; they can see your afflictions and address them through instruction and guidance. However, when looking for a teacher, make sure at the very least, they abide by the five precepts and are not out for fame or profit or other ulterior motives. Having a strong authentic lineage helps. In Buddhism, we often look to the monastic Sangha as they have dedicated their lives to the Buddhist practice and have clear guidelines on how to interact with students. In addition, joining a community of fellow practitioners provides support, motivation, and advice. Being surrounded by good people naturally brings out your own wholesome qualities. (Adapted from Dharma Realm Buddhist Association)
Note: There are other meditation groups and teachers which may claim to practice the Buddhist path, but on deeper examination, whose intentions and actions may not be altruistic, or may even be negative or "cult"-like, or even seek to harm you or others! When searching for a new group/teacher, be sure to use wisdom -- in general, the places listed here come from reputable backgrounds.
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Mindfulness |
Lay groups |
Children's |